Cold Laser Therapy is a scientifically proven way to reduce pain and inflammation related to musculoskeletal injuries. It can help with low back, neck pain and other areas with joint inflammation; symptoms related to osteoarthritis (OA), Fibromyalgia (FM) and other pain syndromes; inflammation related to tendonitis in the shoulder, wrist, ankle, or other areas; and sports injuries.
Treatments are fast, non-invasive, safe, painless and most patients experience results after only a few sessions. Most courses of treatment require 4-6 sessions over a few weeks (may be more or less depending on the type, chronicity and/or severity of the issue)
Cold laser therapy sends low frequency light (photon) energy into the tissues, generating a photochemical response in damaged tissue by a process called "photobiomodulation". Unlike higher-frequency lasers used for surgery, Cold Laser doesn't heat or cut your skin. The light photons penetrate deep into the targeted tissue, then stimulates healing on a cellular level, helping damaged cells and tissues heal and regrow.
Dr. Anne Stacey & colleagues acknowledges we are on Treaty No. 1 land, the ancestral lands of the Anishinaabeg and Ininíwak. These lands are the unceded territories of the Dakota, and the homeland of the Métis Nation. We are committed to reflecting the continued legacy of all the original peoples of this province, including the Ithiniwak, Denesułine, Anishininiwak, Inuit, and Nakota. We acknowledge the harms of the past, are committed to improving relationships in the spirit of reconciliation, and appreciate the opportunity to live and learn on these traditional lands in mutual respect.
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